March 29, 2025

Mailing List Services

The Freedman Company is a list broker, that is, we provide free list research and consultations utilizing various resources to locate applicable outside lists and acts as a liaison between you the mailer and the owners or managers of the list. We have access to over 28,000 listings including business and consumer lists in 212 market classifications. We have put together some of the types of lists we provide.

List Services – Types of Lists


Resident/Occupant Lists – This is a list that includes all post office boxes, city routes, rural routes and other route addresses. This is the best list for a saturation mailing. You may select all addresses in a zip code, addresses in specific mail delivery routes. Lists are addressed to “OCCUPANT”, instead of containing the name of the individual at that address. You can select or eliminate post office boxes, apartments and single family homes with this list. The response rate to this type of list is very poor.

Resident by Name (Consumer Lists) – This list is compiled by merging more than one-and-a half- billion records from many sources: White page Telephone Directories, Auto Registration, Credit Information, Mail Order Buyers/Responders, Magazine Subscribers and many others. These lists frequently provide the best means of reaching large groups of specific audiences. For example, you can rent compiled lists of all doctors in Dallas. The response rate is much better than ‘Occupant’ lists but not as strong as ‘Response’ lists.

Response List – These are list of proven mail order buyers. Mail order offers usually get the best return through mailings to ‘Response’ lists of buyers who have purchased a similar product in the same price range.

Donor Lists – Used primarily by fundraisers, these lists contain the names of people who have contributed money to charities and non-profit organizations.

Attendee/Membership/Seminar Lists – These lists contain the names of individuals who have attended a specific trade show or industry event, belonged to an industry association or professional group, or paid for seminar participation.

Subscription Lists – These lists are of people who have subscriptions to magazines and other publications. These are some of the best and largest types of lists.

Credit Card Holders Lists – These names are useful because the prospect can respond to your offer using a credit card.

Lists can be selected by any of the following including combination of selections:

Financial Investment Credit Public Record Homeowner
Bank Card Holder Public Record Dates Age of Home
Credit Card Holder Public Record Select Bathrooms (number of)
Credit Card Interest Categories Public Record Tax Lein Amt Bedrooms (number of)
Expendable Income   Fireplace (presence of)
Loan to Value   Garage (presence of)
Net Worth   Home Size
Potential Investor Model   Homeowner Hotline 0-12 months
Purchasing Power Indicator   Lot Size
Regal Credit Median   Home Value
Socio-Economic Status Indicator   Mortgage Information
Stock/Bond Ownership   Owns/Rents
Tradelines (number of)   Pool (presence of)
Travel & Entertainment Card Holder   Rooms (number of)
    Year Built
Age Family Member Selections
(height, weight)
Line of Travel Mail Order Buyers
Children (presence of) Foreign Language Marital Status
Dog/Cat Owners Gender Month/Year of Birth
Donors Geography/Radius New Movers
Dwelling Unit Size Hispanic Surname Indicator Relationship Indicator
Estimated Household Income Length of Residence Title Codes
Product Use    
Ailments Dress Size Military Member
Alcoholic Beverages Dry Dog Food-Bag Size Misc Activities
Allergy Medication Education Misc HH Indicators
Antacids Electronics Mouthwash
Bagels Exercise Frequency Music Preference
Base Respondents Exercise Location Non-Prescription Remedies (Category)
Beer Exercise Types Non-Prescription Remedies (Brand)
Bottled Water Eyedrops (Frequency) Nutritional Supplement Drinks
Cable Shopping Services Eyedrops (Brand) Occupation – Male & Female
Canned Dog Food Eyeglasses Contacts On-line / High Tech Registration
Canned Dog Food Size Family Members On-line Computer Services
Cat Fashion Preference Pain Reliever (Category)
Cat Products (Category) Fast Food (Category) Pain Reliever (Brand)
Cat Products (Brand) Fast Food (Brand) Pain Reliever – Use
Cheez Whiz (Frequency) Federal Employees Personal Care Products (Category)
Cheez Whiz (Brand) Food Personal Care Products (Frequency)
Cigar Smoking Frozen Food Personal Computer
Coffee Grandchildren Ages Powdered Beverages (Frequency)
Coffee Consumption Hair Color Powdered Beverages (Brand)
Cold/Allergy Medicine HH Expectancies Prescription Medication
Cold/Allergy Medicine – Use HH Income Quit Smoking – Interest in Info
(to Assist)
Collectibles HH Products (Category) Reading
Contact Lens Care HH Products (Frequency) Salad Dressing
Contributor Individual in HH Shampoo
Credit Card Balance Insurance Shampoo – Use
Credit Cards Interests Shave Cream
Custom Calling Features Investments Shave Cream – Use
Deodorant Laundry Detergents Smokers
Diarrhea Medication Life Change/Events Soft Drink – Consumption
Diarrhea Medication -Use Long Distance Carrier Soft Drinks
Diet Control Methods Mail Order Buyers Spouse
Diet Lite Foods Marital Status Toothpaste
Dog Products Mayonnaise (Frequency) Trash Bag (Category)
Dog Size Mayonnaise (Brand) Trash Bag (Brand)
Dog/Other Pet Medications Vehicle Purchase Plan
DQI Indicator Military  

*List is subject to change without notice.


Opt-In Email List – Opt-In’ is permission email. People have actually said “Yes” to receive information about products or services because they’re actually interested in learning about them. This is a way to match your services or product to consumers’ categories of interest. We will send out the email for you. You will not get a copy of the email address. We comply with Fed Reg.


Business List – These lists are compiled from public sources including incorporation and DBA records, Yellow and Business White Pages, Annual reports, 10-Ks, other SEC Information, Business magazines, Newsletters and Top Newspapers Postal Service Information and other sources. All this information is telephone verified with each business. This is a continual process involving over 16 million calls per year.

Business Lists can be selected by:

  • Type of Business
  • Yellow Page Heading
  • SIC Code (Standard Industrial Classification Coding System)
  • Estimated Sales Volume
  • Number of Employees
  • Geographic Area
  • Geographic Radius
  • Title of Executive
  • Franchise, Brand or Professional Specialty
  • Combination of any and all the above.

Business Profiles/Credit Report – This is an enhanced view of a company. In addition to finding basic information on companies, we provide you with the business name, address, telephone and fax number, credit rating code, key executive names and titles, primary and secondary lines of business, number of employees, estimated sales volume, years in business and competitors.

Credit Reports – This report shows detailed payment history and public information such as bankruptcies, judgments and UCC filings.

Other Information

Cancellation – List orders cancelled after the order has been submitted to list owner or manager are payable in full.

Format – We provide our lists on disks or email with unlimited use. No list furnished by The Freedman Company may be used by anyone other than the original mailer. All lists are seeded with decoy names to protect against unauthorized use; violators will be prosecuted.

Limit of Liability and Accuracy – The Freedman Company provides lists for lawful purposes only and expressly forbids the use of any supplied list in any unlawful manner. The Freedman Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses sustained by the purchaser through the use of any list or mailing results. Further, The Freedman Company shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages, including printing. Our lists are compiled and verified to the best of our ability. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information furnished including; telephone numbers, facsimile numbers, E-mail addresses, or duplicate copies of lists and are not liable for any loss caused by our lists.

List Counts – Counts are updated daily and may be subject to change.

List Cost – Due to the many options available in selecting your list, it is virtually impossible to show prices. We base our pricing on some of the following factors: quantity needed, information desired and type of list requested.

Minimum Orders – Other than Resident by Name and Business list, most companies have a 5,000-name minimum.

Payment – Payment for your list is due in full at time of delivery. On some lists, prepayment may be required. Prepayment is always required on the first two orders from new clients. After completion of a credit application and its review, 30-day credit may be granted. If payment is not made within 30 days, interest at the rate of 1 1/2% per month may be applied to the amount owed.

Sample Mail Piece – Approved sample mail piece required for certain lists. The approval is needed before lists can be rented.

Shipping – Lists can be shipped in a number of ways: electronic transfer, next day shipping, two-day air and ground shipping. Minimum shipping and handling is $20.00.

Time Required – 3-5 working days is the normal time required to process a compiled list. Other lists may require 10-15 working days. If the list is needed sooner a rush charge may apply.

We will make every effort to help you load data into your computer. However, it is your responsibility to know your equipment and software.