October 22, 2024

HEB Business Expo

Good Morning 

Thank you to everyone who checked out on Amazon my friend Dr. Malcolm Upton’s new book “Silver Bullet Marketing: The 11 Essential Elements Of A Money Making Marketing Machine They Don’t Teach In School.”  And an even bigger thanks to all those who purchased the Kindle edition for $.99.
Very early in June I will have a booth at the H.E.B. Chamber of Commerce Business Expo (June 4, 2:30 -6:30, at the Hurst Conference Center). I’ve had a booth at the Expo almost every year for close to 25 years, and for a number of years I taught workshops on what to do to have an effective booth at a business expo or trade show. 
The 1st rule is to have a goal: what would you like to accomplish? I use the expo as a vehicle to make attendees and the other exhibitors aware of my company and services. 
This year I’m thinking of showcasing my Past Customer Recovery Program and the Customer Retention Routine. I’ll have some handouts and will give away copies of “Top 7 Ways to Get Your Customers Back In Spending Money.” My other goal is to build my email list by giving away things for people’s contact information or business cards. What I would like to know from you is this: What would you like to see me do/give away to get people’s business cards? Please reply by email.
Till next time, Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!