October 22, 2024

Why You Should Hire Me

I got a call yesterday from someone who read the email I sent out on my offer of 8 hours of consulting for only $500. They understood that I can help them develop a marketing plan and budget and even get them started on it to help them bring in more customers. But what they wanted to know was why they should hire Me vs someone else, since I did not list any reasons in the email. It’s true I did not, and I was taught that one does not toot one’s own horn.
So I told him that in my family if you wanted something, you had to go out and earn the money to buy it, so after the usual things like a having a paper route (try that in Buffalo, NY winters) and selling candy to fellow students, I chased fire trucks for the local newspaper for $5.00 a photo. I worked my way through school as a television engineer and received my BS in Communications from the Rochester Institute of Technology . I turned down an offer to work with one of the local stations in Rochester to move down to McAllen, TX (It doesn’t snow there), where I worked over the years for a few television stations, a newspaper (I went back to my roots as mainly a sports photography but also did general assignment photography) and worked in radio sales.
I also met my wife of 30 years at one of the television stations I worked at. We moved to the Fort Worth area when our daughter was 2. I worked in printing for a while until our son was born and then I needed a better job. I got a job in retail and moved up the ranks to manager. In 1994, a year after the company I was working for was bought out by a larger company, I started my own marketing company out of the dining room of our recently purchased home. In the years that I’ve been in business, I had all the ups and more importantly the downs that every business owner has had.
I know what it’s like to make payroll, to figure out which of your vendors you can put off for just a bit longer and which you can’t. I’ve learned along the way just how important it is to have someone other than family to bounce ideas off of, someone to be able to confide in, someone to get feedback from and know what they are saying is good advice, based on facts and ideas that work.
I also told him that for the past 8 years I’ve been studying and learning from great marketing people like Kevin Thompson, Bill Glazer, Mike Crow, Dan Kennedy, Stephen Beck and others. That I bring some of their knowledge to the table to help him grow his business. That I go to conferences throughout the year to not only keep up on the latest ways to market and promote one business, but also to meet and spend time with great and innovating marketers from around the world like my friend Simon from England.
I also told him that if he asked anyone who’s sat down with me for what was to be a few minutes conversation about their business that it soon became much longer, with ideas flowing about how they could grow their business with very little expense and very quickly.
Then I told him the one thing I forgot to tell you all. That at the end of the 8 hours that if you do not think that you got your money’s worth and in fact at least twice your money’s worth that I would refund your total investment. Yes, I would refund your $500, what could be better than that?
He was glad I told him all that and now could see why it was such a great deal and signed up right then and there.
Now it’s your turn to take advantage of this great offer. There are only 9 slots left; once they are gone or 5 pm, Friday, June 28th comes around, whichever come first, this offer will be gone. Don’t delay. call me now, at 817-282-0443 or email me at TFC@TheFreedmanCompany.com.