October 22, 2024

Thank The Ones

Good Morning
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, the day that we traditionally give thanks for the good fortune we have enjoyed for the past year. We need to also take time out to give thanks for our businesses and our business life.
And as you reflect upon all this, it would be a great time to also give thanks to all your customers as well. Remember, if it wasn’t for them you would have no business.
This year don’t just think about them, take the time to actually thank them. Do any of the following: send them a handwritten thank-you note, call them and thank them for their business, visit them in person and thank them. You can also take them a holiday gift as a way of thanking them.
Even the simple act of sending them a greeting or holiday card would be OK.
I would not recommend sending an email (it might get deleted before opening), e-card (not clicked on because it might have a virus) or posting a message on Facebook or LinkedIn.
At the start of this season of giving, give some time to thank the people who really make a difference in your life, your customers.
What’s New That Works!
I will soon be offering a special news package that includes a monthly printed newsletter with the latest in advertising and marketing techniques, a monthly Q&A session, interviews with other experts that will enhance your business and additional resources. You will want to sign up for this service so you can be on top of the latest trends that work. More information coming soon!
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
 Philip Freedman
Your Doctor of Customer Retention