October 22, 2024

Getting Referrals

Good Morning,  
I was on a Zoom call the other day with a group of marketers. The leader of the group was talking about referrals, trying to help the group get more business.  As a reader of this weekly marketing tip you know the best customers for your business are repeat customers, the next best are referrals. 
What was discussed was whether people in the group asked for referrals and also whether they had a system. From what I remember, most did not ask for them or if they did, were not consistent about asking for them.
Always asking for referrals is great, but you must also have a system in place. A system helps not only to acquire referrals, but also to follow up on them, report back and reward the people who gave them to you. It helps to educate and reward the referral who you hope will become a long term customer and who in turn will refer others to your business. 
Here is what a referral system looks like;
You must let everyone know that you want and need referrals. This must consist of more than just a sign in your office asking for them or a tag line on your emails and other communication methods. You have to be proactive, but not in a pushy way. 
At the end of your initial meeting with a customer explain that referrals help you stay in business and describe the customer you are looking for (somewhat like them if they are to become your customer). Explain this after they become a customer and are happy with your work.That’s when to bring up referrals again, just keep it all in mind until then.
Once the work is completed and they are a happy customer, bring it up again and explain the program. How for each referral you reward them (if you’re in an industry that can) or thank them. 
Follow up on the lead and turn the referral into a customer. Let the person who gave you the referral know how it turned out and reward (different reward) or thank them again. Once the project or work is done, you should again let them know the outcome. This makes the person feel good about referring more people.
As for the new and now happy customer, this is the time to explain about your referral program. This is also the time to get their testimonial. Before this meeting, jot down a few bullet points that you want them to cover. Use your phone to video record it (hold the phone horizontal while recording, it looks more professional). Why video? Because you can do more things with it. Make sure you get their permission to use it.
Follow up with both new and older customers, reminding them to be on the lookout for possible referrals for you.  
There you have the basic outline of a great referral system. All you have to do is put it in place. If you need help with developing your referral program for your business, just contact me. I’ll be happy to talk via zoom, phone or email! 
By the way, I do take referrals and I am looking for businesses that want to stay in contact with their customer during this crisis vs. trying to start over, rebuilding their customer base once this is all over and being outmaneuvered by their competition. 
Till next week, stay healthy,Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
P.S. Business is slow for everyone! Bring in business with my FREE checklist, “7 Proven, Powerful Ways To Increase Income.”  Click Here  or go to www.7proven.com