July 27, 2024

You and Your Competition

Good Morning We all want more customers and that our competition would disappear. Even if we do say that competition makes our businesses better. Well you can get rid of what I consider your number one competitor, YOU! What do I mean? You with your mindset, your behavior and what you do … [Read more...]

Story Telling

Good Morning Over the years I've taken public speaking classes and speaking from the stage training. One thing I've learned is to weave the information you want to present into a story. Since time began, people have been telling each other stories to get information and their point … [Read more...]

Survey Says

Good Morning Businesses lose anywhere from 10% to 25% of their customer base each year! The reasons are many and in many cases not the businesses' fault. So it behooves the business owner to always be promoting and attracting new customers as well as working their customer retention plan. But … [Read more...]

Marketing Recipe

Good Morning I grew up in a restaurant. My parents owned and ran restaurants most of their lives. Everything from a deil through a tablecloth restaurant with bar. I mostly bused tables and worked the dishwasher. But over the years I did a little bit of everything except work the bar (I was too … [Read more...]

How To Develop Trust

Good Morning I hope you had a good New Year! You set your goals for 2024 and now you are ready to get at it! (Sure.) We have heard the saying "People do business with people they like, know and trust." Knowing is the easy part; liking might be a bit harder. All you have to do is be a nice … [Read more...]

Schedule Your Marketing Time

Good Morning Every two weeks on Friday I have to pull up the hoses that are attached to the sprinkler to water my garden and backyard lawn automatically, otherwise the lawn crew will not cut the backyard lawn. On Saturday I sit down and do my Monday Morning Motivator; Wednesday evening is when I … [Read more...]