July 27, 2024

Advertising Lessons From Elections

Good Morning April/ May in Texas is the municipal election season, and as a lettershop/direct mail company I do political mailing. Over the past 25 plus years I have not only done the mailings, I have consulted and even managed a campaign or two. About a week ago someone running for office … [Read more...]

New (old) Service

Good Morning I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I wanted to wait until after the Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday shopping blowout to let you know about something that will help you and your business. Two weeks ago at the end of the marketing tip, I briefly … [Read more...]

Why They Buy From You

Good Morning PIZZA! I grew up in Buffalo, New York, in an Italian/Jewish neighborhood. We had a few pizzerias around, and every Friday night my friend and I would go down to one of the pizzerias and split a pepperoni pie. So I can say I grew up on great (New York style) pizza and know good … [Read more...]

But The Price

Good Morning I get these late Friday afternoon phone calls sometimes: Caller wants to mail out some postcards to a list they have. In most cases they have no idea what size or how many they want to send out; they are just price shopping. By asking a few questions I'm able to give them a price … [Read more...]

I’m Paying for Her Campaign

Good Morning Over the years I've worked on a lot of political campaigns. I've even run a couple and done mailings for a lot of them. I've never done a    statewide or federal election, but I have been a voter since I was eighteen and I'm now 65. Now during election season I … [Read more...]

Inflation Busting Offer

Good Morning , In my last marketing tip, I wrote about inflation and how you should offer an Inflation Buster to get ahead of your competition.In order to make your offer stand out, you have to slash your price on a product or service not by 5 or 10% but by at least 50% or more. Something that … [Read more...]