October 22, 2024

New (old) Service

Good Morning

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I wanted to wait until after the Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday shopping blowout to let you know about something that will help you and your business. Two weeks ago at the end of the marketing tip, I briefly mentioned a new (old) service. Today I would like to go into more detail about it.

When I first started my company in the mid 1990’s, I offered all the services that a small advertising agency did. Over the years the service that my customers needed most was direct mail/printing with consulting/coaching thrown in as an added bonus/benefit. While I became very proficient on the subject of direct mail/printing, I also spent a lot of time and resources becoming just as proficient at marketing.

And every so often I would pick up a marketing consulting client. I found that I have a real knack and passion for helping business owners grow and market their business. While I will still continue to do direct mail/printing I would like to grow the consulting side of my business.

In order to get this side of my business up and running I need your help. I am looking for five (5) people to become clients.

As a client you can use me as a sounding board to bounce new ideas or just to confirm that you are on the correct track in promoting your business.

This service can also be used to help you improve the effectiveness of your web site, social media, texting and emailing as well as your networking and in-person presentations or any advertising, marketing, promotional method you need or can think of.  

You can receive advice on how to use your customer list to the best of its effectiveness. Also I can review the overall plan and flow of your advertising/marketing program or help you develop one and whatever else we can come up with.

This can all happen during our one-on-one, face–to-face meetings when we meet for a minimum of one hour per month with a maximum of four meeting of up to two hours each per month.

In the past I charged clients $300 per month for one meeting per month.

The investment for the 5 people is only $100 per month!

If we meet four time per month that’s just $25.00 per session!  

Why am I asking for you to make such a low investment of only $100 per month?

As I stated, I am restarting and growing my consulting service plus – and here is the catch – you will be asked for a testimonial, which I will use to promote my service.

This offer is limited to 5 people, so if you wait you will miss out. If you want to have someone to help you grow your business and outshine your competition, then contact me immediately at phil@MyMarketingCure.com , or call me at 817-616-5155. If you delay you might lose out on this great offer. 

Until Next time!
