April 19, 2024

More Than 1 Method

Good Morning At a leads group I recently attended, one of the people mentioned that in their industry they were on longer allowed to collect IP addresses for part of their market. Another person spoke up that their industry is doing the same. We were told IP addresses were now considered … [Read more...]

Emotional Copy Triggers

Good Morning As a business owner who does their own advertising/marketing you have to know how to write copy that sells what you are offering. Yes you do! You are your company's top and maybe only sales/marketing person. This is true even if you hired a company to run/develop your digital … [Read more...]

Get Your Questions Answered

Good Morning Happy New Year! I hope you all had a good holiday season. Now it's back to work, achieving those goals that you have developed during the past few months. And I want to help you accomplish them. What better way to help you than finding out what you need. Once a year I ask you … [Read more...]

Marketing Help?

Good Morning; I was at one of my clients', dropping off their extra newsletters that we had just mailed out for them. I was talking to one of the owners and their marketing person about them settling in at their new offices. As I left, I realized something: here is a company that was one of … [Read more...]

Making Your Ads Relatable

Good Morning There is an old saying, "all politics is local," which is true. If you don't connect with the voters and their issues, they don't vote for you. When President Truman ran his whistle stop campaign, he appeared at the back of the train and started by acknowledging the local … [Read more...]

Advertising/marketing does not work!

Good Morning ,One of the most common objections I get is, "advertising/marketing does not work; it's a waste of money." In the past I would try to convince these people that it does work. Then stop arguing and add a remark, knowing that they would never use my services.I was watching the news the … [Read more...]