February 13, 2025

Reaching The Hard To Reach

Good Morning A lot of people, including my clients, have my cell phone number and then tend to give it out to others who want to contact me. That being said, I answer every call if possible whether I recognize the number or not. So I get a lot of no one on the line or people wanting to buy my … [Read more...]

Marketing Works

The job of marketing and its subset advertising is to convince you that you want and need something and you have to buy it NOW! Whether you really need it or want it. A friend of mine who sells promotional items sends out an email on different subjects and then ties the subject to items he sells. … [Read more...]

Dealing With Your Competition.

Good Morning Recapping, I have been writing about who your competition is. You have direct and indirect, and you are also your own competition! Now how do you deal with them and turn them into Not your competition? Let's deal with your direct competition. One of the first things you have … [Read more...]

You and Your Competition

Good Morning We all want more customers and that our competition would disappear. Even if we do say that competition makes our businesses better. Well you can get rid of what I consider your number one competitor, YOU! What do I mean? You with your mindset, your behavior and what you do … [Read more...]

Google 5-Star Reviews

Good Morning This past Tuesday I heard Tammy Salter, the owner of the Pipeline Road, Hurst, Texas PostNet, talk to the Northeast Chamber networking group and she did an outstanding job! Tammy spoke on taking your business to the next level and had a seven-page handout for people to work. She … [Read more...]


Good Morning,Last week I tried to write a marketing tip, but Constant Contact would not cooperate. They upgraded their editor, and it would no longer allow me to copy the tip from the previous week and edit it for the current week, a trick I learned years ago so I wouldn't have to recreate the wheel … [Read more...]