October 22, 2024

Keep Your Customers

Good Morning

Yesterday I got done a bit early so I decided to finish weeding my vegetable garden. It was overgrown with grass and weeds from being untended all winter long. I needed to finish pulling all the weeds and grass out before it started raining this weekend. Sunday afternoon the weather is supposedly going to clear up and I can get the vegetable plants in the ground. I use already growing (starter) plants instead of seeds for most of my vegetables and herbs.
If I used seed I would have had to start weeks ago in the spare room and try to remember to water the seeds and seedlings every day and then transfer them to larger pots. With already growing plants, I don’t have to do all that work; it gives me a jump start. During the winter I did other things instead of tending to seeds and seedlings. Basically I don’t like reinventing the wheel. I want to take the wheel and place it on my cart. I know some people not only don’t want to reinvent the wheel, they don’t want to build the cart, they want the cart delivered to their door ready to use!
What does gardening have to do with you and marketing your business?A lot! For the last few weeks I have written about the products I have developed to help you with your business. Well they are ready, and you’re being given the opportunity to become a charter member at charter members’ rates. You can now sign up for the Past Customer Recovery Program, which will help you get your lost customers back and keep them from leaving you for the competition. For more details about this program go to www.MMCRX.com. If you use checkout code TIP419 you will save $50.00
For those of you who aren’t quite ready to get back your lost customers but still want information, I am offering just to you the Monthly Vitamin Pak. This will give you a way to get the honest answers to your advertising and marketing question. The Monthly Vitamin Pak will also keep you up-to-date on ways to promote your business. Each month you will receive a marketing/promotional tool that you can change and use for your business to increase sales, a live question and answer session so you can get your advertising and marketing questions answered, a printed newsletter which will keep you up-to-date on marketing and advertising issues and techniques which can be kept for reference, and an audio interview with a leading expert on different areas of helping you and your business.   
As a charter member your monthly investment will be only $24.79, a saving of $15.00, and your investment will never increase as long as you receive the Monthly Vitamin Pak. Use discount code CHARTER1 at checkout to receive your monthly discount at www.MMCRX.com.
Don’t reinvent the wheel or start from seed in your marketing efforts, go to www.MMCRX.com to get a jump start on getting your customers back and keeping them.


Want a free checklist on 7 Proven, Powerful Ways To Increase Income? Just Click here to download it.

Till next time, 

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement

P.S. Get your Lost/Past/Old Customers back and keep them from going to your competition. Click Here or Email me or call 817-282-0443.