October 22, 2024

Planning and Flexibly

Good Morning ,
Around this time each year I do some planning on what I would like for the next year, business wise. Last year and early this year, I was starting to launch my customer recovery program that helps businesses get lost/past customers to come back and do business with them again and keeps them from going to the competition.
Well, we all know what happened. The program was put on hold, and like most business owners, I was just trying to keep the business up and running while watching some of my clients’ business slow down and some others forced to shut down for a while. I lost a few clients, but on a good note, business this quarter has picked up again.
The point is, all my great plans went out the window, and at times I had to wing it and be flexible. Now I’m planning for next year and keeping a close eye on current events.
What this past year has really highlighted is that if you stay informed about the world around you and act quickly enough, you can survive and maybe even grow your business. If you don’t pay attention and instead keep your head buried in the sand of your business, you will hurt your business.
Good luck with your planning of 2021. If you haven’t started, remember to be flexible!
Till next time.