October 22, 2024

Black Friday, Every Day?

Good Morning {First Name}

Welcome to November! I hope you all had a great Halloween. With Halloween over, we are now in the holiday season. Businesses are offering Black Friday specials. To be honest I’ve seen Black Friday specials since July! Yes, July!

Black Friday was or maybe still is the day after Thanksgiving when retail businesses offered really great Christmas specials. Now everyone is offering “Black Friday” specials NOW! If businesses are offering specials now, what are they going to do the day after Thanksgiving to get you in the door? I say; If every day is Black Friday then no day is “Black Friday.”

Where does this leave you and your business? 

If you do offer a “holiday” special, you can start offering it now. If you are calling it a “Black Friday” special, you can preview before Thanksgiving and make it available on Black Friday. Please be aware, non-retail businesses  might not get a lot of business on Black Friday even with a special offer for that day. It’s better to offer Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Veteran Day specials, yes multiple specials!

People have been conditioned to spend during the holiday season and to look for money-saving offers. Use it to you advantage by offering specials to your customer base and prospects and end the year on a good note.

If you need help coming up with holiday specials just contact me for help!

Till next time.