October 22, 2024

Social Media Goals

Good Morning ,
Almost all businesses use social media, but very few have defined goals for what they want their media to accomplish for them. Without defined goals, businesses are wasting time and money, and yours is probably one of them! But so are most businesses big and small, so don’t feel too bad.
According to a recent Sprout Social Index Survey the top priorities of social-savvy companies are: Increase brand awareness 70%, Sales/lead generation 59%, Increase community engagement 48%, Grow my brand’s audience 46% and Increase web traffic 45%.
Having defined goals holds you and social media accountable and keeps you on budget. We all know how much of a time-sink social media can be. Also do you as the owner of a business really want to throw away money on ads “just because”? No, you want to know what you need to spend to see results or ROI. For that you need to take a data-driven approach to social media.
Your social media objectives need to be contingent on KPIs and metrics. Putting together a high performing campaign means understanding what’s moving the needle in terms of engagement, clicks and most important revenue.
Now you have a basic idea that you should not just “wing it.” The next step is to develop specific sets of goals for social media platforms.
Next time we will go over broad objectives, setting SMART goals, identifying your metrics and tracking your results over time.
Till next time.