October 22, 2024

Business Cards – Carry Them

Good Morning
During the past month–including last night–I have attended a number of networking events. These events are advertised as networking events, places to exchange business cards, generate leads and maybe get some business. But guess what happens? People show up without business cards.
I hear a lot of excuses, but the only one I’ll buy is, “I did not bring enough and just ran out.”
The marketing tip of the week is: If you go to a networking event or any event or place for that matter, always carry plenty of business cards. In fact, I put extra cards in one of those snack-size zip lock bags (which keeps them fresh looking) and keep them in my car so I never run out.
Need more customers? Then just give me a call at 817-282-0443 or email me at phil@TheFreedmanCompany.com and we can get together.
Till next week

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!

Philip Freedman

Doctor of Customer Retention