October 22, 2024

CEO Roundtable Forming

Good Morning,
Did you ever want to tell someone about what you are facing every day, the good and the bad? We all have. Who do you talk to who will understand and maybe offer some good advice? Family, they might listen and give you well meaning advice, but… Friends, they don’t really understand and did they want to? Employees, customers, vendors, heavens NO! Other business owners, sure, they will understand and maybe even listen, but can you trust them?
If you have been a business owner for any length of time, you know what I’m talking about. We all need a sounding board. A place where a problem can be explained and real solutions found or a success bragged about, even if it’s just making it through the day, and not made to feel guilty about it.
Many, many years ago I was part of groups that met for just such a purpose. One group met weekly for dinner. It went on for years, and it was very helpful. Another group met once a month and helped me decide when it was time to move my business out of my home and into an office.
Does all this interest you? Do you want to have your own sounding board of other business owners who understand your problems and successes, because they have been there? A group that will keep everything said confidential?
I’m organizing such a group, a CEO Roundtable. This is not a networking group, nor a mastermind group, but networking and masterminding could happen. This is a group of business owners who need and want a sounding board to bounce problems, ideas, good news off of each other. It is also a group that can help lift each other’s sprits when need be.
The group would be small, 7 total. That way everyone would be able to take part. The CEO Roundtable would meet monthly at a time of its choosing, and I am offering my office meeting room as the space. It’s private and we can use it for however long we want without interruptions.
If you are a business owner including one-person shops and are interested, then please contact me without delay. Once the 6 remaining seats are occupied, the roundtable will be considered full.
Here is your chance to take advantage of a great opportunity! Reserve your seat now!
Till next time.