October 22, 2024

Falling In Love, NOT

 Staring July 9th I will be on vacation. I will be returning on July 21st. I doubt that I will be sending out marketing tips during that time. But I might put some interesting stuff up on my blog at www.thefreedmancompany.com. 


This week’s tip deals with not falling in love.


A lot of times we come up with an idea, product, service, even a way to market our business that we think is great, and we fall in love with it. And as with love we cannot see the downside of it.

 Sometime there isn’t a downside and everything works out.


Other times it’s not the right matchup, or it starts out OK but over time no longer works and we have to kiss it goodbye. The trouble is we are still so in love with it, that we don’t want to give up and we keep at it until it is causing problems for our business.


We must learn not to fall in love and drop it like a hot potato when it no longer works anymore or is a bad fit. Don’t let your emotions get involved in what should be a clear-eyed, rational decision.


Want to increase sales in your business?

For a limited time I am offering you a free marketing plan. To get your free marketing plan, you must fill out a 2-page (18 questions) form. Then send it back to me with any samples of your marketing that you have done.


All you have to do is contact me. Email me at tfc@freedcom.com, or call me at 817-282-0443.


Need a speaker for your business groups? Just let me know!


I will be on vacation from July 9th till July 21th. The office will be open during that time.


Till July 27th, Remember-

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.


Visit my Blog at: Thefreedmancompany.com

Make sure you check me out on the radio at www.nbbradio.com My marketing tips are being aired twice a day at 10:24 am and 2:24 pm. Tune in to this business format radio station to help you and your business grow.


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