February 9, 2025

Holiday Email Marketing Tips

Good Morning ,The holiday season is upon us so I thought I would share some marketing facts to help you get your message out. Remember the pandemic has more people shopping online!Having your consumer offer expire 10 days before Christmas will increase open rates by more than 35%*.Mentioning … [Read more...]

More Tips To Get Your Message Read

Good Morning Here is this week's Birthday Special: Customer List Hygiene, for the next week I will be offering to get your customer list in shape and ready to make you MONEY! In cleaning your list, the following will be performed on your list: check for duplicates, bad addresses, customers who've … [Read more...]

Hyper-Interested Customers

Good Day Contact First Name  Hyper-interested customers are customers who, as the name implies, are very interested in anything and everything you have to offer and in most cases will also buy almost everything you have to offer. In other words, your very very best customers. These are the … [Read more...]

HEB Expo

Good Day This Tuesday, June 5, from 3 to 7 pm, I will have a booth at the HEB Expo, Hurst Conference Center, 1601 Campus Dr. This will be a great way to meet new people and businesses, plus you get to see me, and I always have great candy! This year the HEB Chamber moved the time. It used … [Read more...]

Talk & Communicate

Good Day I'm putting together a talk on the 7 Warning Signs of Lost Customer Syndrome. As I was writing it, I came upon #6 "You have not reached out to current or past customers in the past 6 months."  This got me thinking that a lot of businesses are killing themselves because of … [Read more...]

Win $50 Cash

Good Day I spend a lot of time at the Post Office and I hear a lot of people in line complaining about service, the cost of stamps, how they are going broke and more. Today I want to tell you the true facts about why the Post Office is "going broke." The financial hardships for the USPS … [Read more...]