October 22, 2024

More People

Good Morning 

My friend David who owns Forest Ridge Funeral Home is having an HEB Chamber networking breakfast (Good Morning HEB) next week. Getting lots of people to an early morning networking event is hard enough, but to get them to come to a funeral home? David knows this, and like the great networker he is, he knows the secrets to a great turnout.   
A number of years ago my former business partner and I over the years had a number of events at our old place of business: ribbon cuttings, after-hours mixers, etc. We always had the place packed. We knew the secrets and had proven that they work. We even offered to help fellow chamber members. No one took us up on the offer.   
Getting back to David and his event next week, he called me the other day to inform me of his event, which I remembered reading about in a chamber email. He personally invited me to attend and told me to mark it down on my calendar. He told me all about the event and even who was catering it, anything to get me to commit to attend.
When my company had events, we also called and did all the things David did and a few more. One thing we did was to contact all of our customers and vendors and invite them as well. We also used multiple forms of media to make contact with them repeatedly.  
The next time you have an event, remember what David and we did to get the people there.
Is your business ready for the coming recession?
Till next time, Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
P.S. Prevent a business slowdown during the coming recession  with my FREE checklist, “7 Proven, Powerful Ways To Increase Income.”  Click Here  or go to www.7proven.com