October 22, 2024

More Social Media

Good Morning,
Last week I took some time off, which included time off from this weekly marketing tip. This week I will pick up from where I was two weeks ago. We’ll go over the 10 types of social media, what they are used for and what people hope to accomplish by using them, with examples of that media from the top 10 media apps.
Let’s start with social networks. These include Facebook, LinkedIn and the microblog Twitter. A social network is also known as a relationship network in that it allows people to directly connect with one another through groups, networks and location.
Facebook is good if you want to target very specific users. Facebook has the largest user-base and the most robust ad-targeting platform. Facebook is the standard for paid ads for local businesses and e-commerce giants alike.
LinkedIn is the place to be if you’re B2B. This is where professionals hang out. LinkedIn is the place to be to develop and expand your company’s influence and networking opportunities.
Twitter is great for posting very short entries or updates (microblogging on a social networking site). Twitter is ideal for use as a customer service or business development tool as you can go back and forth directly with customers and other companies. If you want to build relationships with your target audience, this would be a good starting point.
Next up is media sharing which includes Instagram, Snapchat YouTube, Tik Tok and others. These sharing sites allows a user to share photos and videos with others either publicly or privately. Like the social networks, these sites are invaluable for brand awareness, lead generation and audience engagement
Instagram and YouTube are great if your business is selling a “visual” product (retail, hospitality, travel, real estate) Many companies and brands have managed to engage their communities through great photos, videos, stories and compelling visual ads.
Pinterest is like Instagram with its emphasis on visuals and product based content. But its audience skews slightly older. A point to remember is that a majority of users, uses the platform to research products.
This is just the briefest of overviews of the major apps, which as I said before is always changing. What is popular today could be a has-been tomorrow with new ones replacing them; remember Myspace/Facebook?
The old saying really fits the social media world: “The only constant is change.”
Till next time.