October 22, 2024

Need to get more business

Good Morning
We just had the unofficial start of summer. This has been one of the biggest vacation weeks of the year. Lots of businesses slow down until Labor Day. Do you have such a business?
If you don’t and business picks up this time of year, good for you. You still might want to read on and use the information for when your business does slow down.
If you have been keeping track of how your marketing has been working in the past, you can go to your file and pull out a campaign that has worked and rerun it. If not, develop a multi-step campaign, execute it and keep records of how well or how badly it does.
A multi-step will work and bring in more business than a one shot ad will ever do, unless you’re offering 50-75% or more off. A good campaign will go after the low hanging fruit as well as the people who aren’t quite ready to buy but may be interested in doing business with you.
You still have a month before the 2nd half of the year starts, so you had better get going NOW!
If you want a copy of my “Promotional Analysis Worksheet” to help you track your marketing, please email me at: Phil@TheFreemanCompany.com and I’ll send it to you.
Till Next Week –

Remember – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!


PS. Want to know what a lead magnet is and WHY you need at least one? Then just let me know!