March 24, 2025

A Referral System You Can Use

Good Morning

Yesterday I went to a leads/networking meeting.There are two reasons most people go to these events: (1) the food and (2) maybe to get a lead/referral. Ok, a third reason may be to socialize. Yesterday, I went for all three reasons and an added one; I was the speaker. I had 15 minutes to talk.

What to talk about? Hmmm.

I know how to get more and better referrals!

I told them that referrals, after repeat customers, are one of the best customers. They trust you because you have been referred to them or they have been referred to you, and they are more willing to trust you than a cold customer. They will also be more willing to give you a testimonial and a referral. BUT a word of warning—DO NOT LET THEM DOWN!

Now most businesses fail at getting referrals in any meaningful way. It’s not because it’s impossible to get.

The secret to getting better referrals:

HAVING A SYSTEM! and using it consistently with every sale!

Now would you like an easy system that you can use?

OK. Here it is. Ready?

JUST ASK! Right as the sale is concluding and the customer is happy, ask them! OK, most times it’s not that easy.

To make it that easy you have to set them up to answer when you ask. You start with setting a foundation for them, so they know it’s coming, so they are thinking about it and are ready for it.

Start at the first meeting with the quote or initial meeting of contact. Mention that at the completion when they are happy with the results that you will be asking them for a testimonial and a referral. By mentioning now and at every opportunity, you are planting the idea that they will give you these and they have to start thinking about it now.

Then, when the project is done or the product/service is delivered, it’s time to tell them about your reward/referral program (that you should have). This is the first ask.

A few days later, a thank you card with gift and survey should arrive in the mail; this is the second ask. Please note that you are using guilt to get them to comply.

If this doesn’t work, a gentle remainder is in order, the third ask. Now at this point what I found is just to keep them on your contact list from this point forward. Touch base with them either monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly, and one day a referral will appear.

If you need some help developing or refining a referral system so you have have more and better referrals or have questions, just contact me at ..

Until next time!
