October 23, 2024

More High Quality Leads

Good Morning

Would you like to have a great advantage over your competition and get high quality leads at the same time? If you do, then continue reading. If you don’t, then STOP READING NOW and go on to your next email!

Ok, you are still here. Good.

In order to have a competitive advantage and get quality leads, you need to speak!

Let me expand a bit. You need to speak to groups that are interested in your products/services. You need to develop a educational/sales presentation that you can do online or in-person.

When you speak to groups you are seen as an authority and an expert on your subject matter. As you know, most people fear public speaking; so when you speak you will be held in high esteem, because the people sitting there would not get up to speak! Also authorities, celebrities and experts get up in front of groups and speak.

Speaking also is a great way for people to get to know, like and trust you, and you know where that leads. It also help you leverage your time. You can fill your calendar with prospects when you do presentations to groups.

I know a home inspection company that has a whole team of people doing educational presentations to their customer base. In fact they have a notebook full of presentation topics they do. And that is one of the main ways they get clients!

Finally, What better way to turn unconverted leads into appointments and finding more quality leads. By inviting them to an educational presentation every month, you will make more sales.

If you are ready for more high quality leads and appointments and need help getting started or are one of the many who fear public speaking, just contact me and I’ll assist you in getting started.

Till next time.