October 22, 2024

Donald Trump And Your Business

Good Morning
Donald Trump has been in the news. In fact he has been the news for a while now. Let’s look at what he’s been doing and see how you can use what he is doing to help your business.
Whatever you may think of his politics, Trump has defined his target very well. He knows exactly who his supporters are and or aren’t and what their issues are. By knowing his supporters, he is able to speak their language. This means that they will like and trust him more readily than his opponents. He know what their hot buttons are and he pushes them with his highly targeted messages.
Trump also ties their hot button issues with current events. This gets his message out into the media, hence everyone is talking about him. In fact he dominates the media. When other politicians (competition) talk to the media, it is usually about him. When was the last time you heard from George Pataki or Jim Gilmore or even Carly Fiorina?
Before he made his first speech he did his research and planned everything out, he did not wing it.
How does all this help you? Just like Trump, you need to figure out just who is and is not your target market. The better you can define them, the better you can tailor your message so that it will hit home with them. By knowing your market, you will also learn their language and their hot button issues so your messages will resonate with them and the trust factor will increase.
Trump also ties his message with current events so that he does not have to spend a lot of money to get his message out. When was the last time you tied your message with current events?
Just like Trump, you need to do your research and planning so that when something happens you can take advantage of it and dominate your market and make your competition talk about you.
If you need help with your plans to dominate your marketplace, take a look at Donald Trump and give me a call to help you.
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Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
 Philip Freedman
Your Doctor of Customer Retention