October 22, 2024


Good Day
This is a bit off from a marketing tip, but call it a life tip. I learned long ago that when I came across a problem and presented it to my boss, I also had to have at least one solution. It did not have to be the best or the least expensive, but it had to be a solution to the problem. I have been using the same philosophy in my business. If I have a problem with a client’s project, before I present the problem to them, I have to have at least one or, even better, two solutions for them to choose from. By offering them solutions instead of just problems, I am able to differentiate my company and myself from the competition, another USP!
A couple of phrases I’m trying to replace are “it can’t be done” with “let me think about that and get back with you” and “that’s easy to do” with “yes, I have the knowledge to get that done.”
By using such phrases, I’m showcasing that I can get their project done and reinforcing that my clients made the correct decision in choosing my company.
What are you doing to reinforce that your clients made the right decision in using you?
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Dr. Philip Freedman C.A.R.E.

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
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