October 22, 2024

Win $50 Cash

Good Day
I spend a lot of time at the Post Office and I hear a lot of people in line complaining about service, the cost of stamps, how they are going broke and more.
Today I want to tell you the true facts about why the Post Office is “going broke.”
The financial hardships for the USPS were manufactured by the 2006 “Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act.” This Congressional action forced the Postal Service to “prefund” future retiree pension and health care costs 75 years into the future. This unfair burden (about $5 billion a year) is directly responsible for the reduction in the hours of operation, staffing, mail speed and quality of services.
I will give $50 in cash to anyone who can prove to me that any other agency or company faces this financial drain.
Note: Under the current retirement system, no federal employer aside from the Postal Service must prefund 100 percent of both its retiree health and pension benefits. By federal law, private companies must fund their pensions fully, and catch up over time if they fall behind. They don’t have to prefund retiree health benefits.
On another subject: I am looking for a chiropractor who would like to grow their practice. I would like a doctor who has had their own practice for at least 4 years or longer. Please let me know if you know of anyone who would like some help.
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Dr. Philip Freedman C.A.R.E.

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
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