October 22, 2024

Spending Money

Good Morning 

I’ve been at 3 Days of Secrets Revealed marketing boot camp, which runs 4 days. I’ve been going to this event for just over ten years. Some of my friends wounder what I can learn after 10 years, especially a marketing boot camp for home inspectors! Answer: a lot!
My friend Dr. Malcolm Upton talked about “Focus Framework” for setting and accomplishing your goals, including setting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals and the difference between being a victim and a victor. But the item I remember most is that every day you should eat the frog first!
If you don’t understand, here is a hint: “The most important things I must get done.”
I think so far the big thing I got out of the first two days is from Mike Crow’s “Beware the 95%.”  I have been struggling with how to present my Monthly Vitamin Pack marketing product which consists of a monthly printed newsletter, a monthly online marketing Q &A session, a monthly audio session with business experts covering topics you want to hear about and a monthly idea file that you can use to keep and get more customers all for $37.95 a month. 
I am already offering a program that will help you recover past customers and a high level program that not only recovers past customers but also helps you keep current customers and includes mastermind group and personal coaching. 
While listening to Mike, I learned how to present the Monthly Vitamin Pack. I now have to rewrite my sales page a bit.
I got a lot more out the the boot camp and hope to get more today. But the point I want to bring up that Thomas Blackwell covered in his presentation “Empowering Language and Beliefs” is that you have to invest in yourself if you want to be successful. That is why I take time off from working in my business to attend this marketing boot camp year after year so I can work on myself and my business.
As Warren Buffet said “Your greatest investment is you.” 
Want a free checklist on 7 Proven, Powerful Ways To Increase Income? Just Click here to download it.

Keep Your Customers From Going To Your Competition! Learn more by Clicking Here.

Till next time, 

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement

P.S. I can help you uncover the gold in your business. Click Here or Email me or call 817-282-0443.