October 22, 2024

Your Web Site

Good Morning

I was doing a consultation the other day, and part of it was looking at their Facebook business page and web site among other things we talked about. I will not go into what we discussed, but it did get me to think about what businesses need on their web site. 
The first item I would tell you to do is to have a web site or page (yes there are still some businesses that do not have a web site). Not having a web site is like not having a Yellow Pages listing in the old days. If you don’t have a web page yet, then go over to Google My Business and claim your page and fill out the form and get your information up and running, NOW!
Even if you have a web site, you should go and set up your Google My Business page and link it to your web site, Facebook page and any other social media sites you have, also your YouTube channel.
When people search for your business and use Google to do it, Google will, after paid sites are listed, display their site and information (your Google My Business information).
There are about three or four very important points I would also like to cover, but won’t due to lack of space. If you want to know more, let me know and I’ll write about the others. 
There is one point I want to cover in this week’s tip.  I will probably make people mad, but that’s OK; you need to know this.When you hire a web designer (this applies even if you currently have a web person), not only should they know what is current, popular and functional, they should have knowledge about how to keep people on your site. In addition they should be able with you to create a lead capture device on your web site and know the best location to place it. 
Hint: it’s NOT on your contact page! If your web designer has no idea what you’re talking about and cannot help you create your capture device on the proper page in the proper place then you need to get someone who can help you now before you lose any more leads. You can keep the web person, but you need to have someone who understands how to attract, keep and follow-up on prospects.


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Till next time, 

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement

P.S. I can help you uncover the gold in your business. Click Here or Email me or call 817-282-0443.