October 22, 2024

I’m Done

Good Morning 

I’m done! I just finished attending a 2-day mastermind meeting from the coaching group I’m part of. If you do not have a coach or a mastermind group, you are missing a big asset to your business. A good coach can help you build and run your business to its best advantage. A mastermind group is a great sounding board and idea generator.
One of the items I asked the mastermind members about was changes to my business card. I wanted to change the offer on the back to something more positive, shorter and desirable. I printed up about 20 sample business cards using some perforated business card paper I had and ran it through the full color digital printer so the group could see the prospective business cards and make suggestions. Now I’ll make the suggested changes and send it out to be printed.
I do this with almost all my marketing materials if I have the time. I’ll print up some samples that are as close as possible to the final version or write up the idea and let either my mastermind group or other trusted associates proof it and make suggestions. By doing this, major mistakes have been caught, plus some great ideas have been added. This helps make my marketing and advertising more effective.
You can do the same thing with your marketing. 
Till next time, Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement

P.S. Get your Lost/Past/Old Customers back and keep them from going to your competition. Click Here , Email me or call 817-282-0443.