October 22, 2024

To Gain More Sales!

Good Morning;

I’ve been getting out talking to fellow business owners lately and one day I came to realize that advertising/marketing comes down to doing three things correctly.

Before I get to these three items, you must have a good foundation or it will not work. What is this basic foundation, you ask!

First you must have good products/services. Great or excellent would be better, but good will do. Also, you must have the correct prospects/customers. People (prospects) who NEED and WANT what you have to offer, can afford it and will pay for it. Or people who have purchased from you before.

If you have these two then all you have to do is the following three items:

  1. Brag about (promote) your products/services.
  2. Give excellent customer service (fulfilment).
  3. Follow up (post sales – thank you’s, request for testimonial, regularly scheduled contact).

Then just repeat as needed to increase sales.

Easy peasy, nice and easy! Anyone can do it!

Most businesses have no trouble with item number two. But implementing items 1 & 3 is where the problems develop.

If you would like to know about solving the problems, just let me know.


This fall I will be bringing back my Lunch and Learn series. This series will feature local experts discussing their chosen field in exciting and easy-to-understand terms. Keep an eye out for more information about this profit-building series.


Till next time.