October 22, 2024

A Strategic Advantage Over Your Competition

Good Morning ,
Most of you know me as someone who is knowledgeable about marketing/promoting small businesses, some know me as just a direct mail/mailing expert and a few as an old guy not up to date with the latest internet trends. Well, people are right on 2 of 3. I do try to stay current (as well as one can) on what will work for businesses. Just trying to keep up nowadays is a full time job, plus run a business.
Have you ever talked to a business owner and found out that you know more about their business than they do? And you just have a passing interest and maybe even not that much knowledge about their field. In all of our businesses we have to stay current or else we and our customers will lose out.
Licensed professionals have to take continuing education courses in order to keep their licenses. But what about everyone one else? What about you? You can keep current by reading trade journals, books, attending trade shows by Zoom, conferences, workshops, seminars or classes.
Here is what I’m doing to stay current. I am starting on a course of study to become a certified Digital Marketing Strategist. This course of study will give me comprehensive digital marketing training including content marketing, social media marketing, digital advertising, search marketing, email marketing, community management, and data optimization. This, combined with my knowledge of traditional marketing methods, will give my customers a strategic advantage over their competition. 
What are you doing to create a strategic advantage for your customers?
Till next time.