February 13, 2025

Top Of Marketing

Good Morning I hope that everyone in the U.S. had a Great 4th of July Holiday! I was at a networking lunch where the spotlight speaker Shanda Kohtz of Good Water Good Life did not talk about her business but instead talked about tangible touches. Tangible touches are physical things that you … [Read more...]

Keeping in Contact with a flyer

Good Morning,Yesterday I went to a Chamber leads/networking meeting at a local restaurant. A Realtor was the speaker. Besides telling us about her background (which was quite impressive) and what she does (selling and leasing homes), she also told us how she stays in front of her customer base. She … [Read more...]

New Customers

Good Morning,I've written and talked a lot about how you can spend less and make more money by selling more to your existing customer base. I even designed a special program to help businesses sell more to their current and past customers. But this week's tip is not about that.What I hear from … [Read more...]

A Strategic Advantage Over Your Competition

Good Morning ,Most of you know me as someone who is knowledgeable about marketing/promoting small businesses, some know me as just a direct mail/mailing expert and a few as an old guy not up to date with the latest internet trends. Well, people are right on 2 of 3. I do try to stay current (as well … [Read more...]

Who Appreciate You Baby!

Good Morning ,Two weeks ago I had a booth at the HEB Chamber Business Expo. I had a drawing for some prizes, and the winners were Kristie Hanhart of Kristie's Cleaning Service, Joseph Miller of TMT Spa, and Shawndi Purselly of Armstrong Purselley Wealth Management Group. In addition, everyone who … [Read more...]

Customer Retention

Good Morning,Welcome to the final quarter. This is the quarter in which most retailers make most of their sales and go from red to black. Hopefully this year will be no different. So how to make this last quarter better than the others?For the last few months we all have been working hard just to … [Read more...]