October 22, 2024

Are You Doing This?

Good Morning

Tuesday, I had my booth at the HEB Chamber Expo. I had business cards, hand outs, free pens, Rangers schedules and good chocolate to give away. If you stopped by the booth I tried to make sure I put something with my name, contact information and a call to action in your hands.
I walked around to look at and visit the other booths, see what they had, pickup information, and sample their food and giveaways. The exhibitors that gave out food samples, with the exception of one, gave me or let me take a sample and then walk away! The one who didn’t, let me get my sample then gave me a coupon to use the next time I visit their restaurant. As for the rest, if they had a coupon on the table I didn’t see it or they didn’t give it to me. I ate their food, then threw out the container the food was in, and they were forgotten. On to the next booth. As a marketer, I know this was a lost opportunity. Maybe if they had handed out a coupon to be used on the visit, they might have picked up 10 new customers who would become regular repeat customers. How much would that help their bottom line?  
Would you rather depend on the memory of a person who stopped by your booth and only left with something that was gone in a minute or two, or one who you also got a great irresistible offer to use on their next visit to your business?
Years ago Barry Stein, owner of the multi-chain Barry’s Camera and Video, used to tell us (his employees) that the goal of the company was to get a person in the store at least 3 times in order for them to become a regular repeat customer. Barry would do a lot of special events, coupons, bounce back coupons and even phone calls to get people to come back into the store. A lot of my follow exhibitors will not be doing anything!  
Till next time,

 Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
P.S. Get 7 Proven, Powerful Ways to Increase Your Business Income. Click Here  or go towww.7proven.com