October 22, 2024

How’s Business?

Good Morning ,
“How’s business” is now a standard greeting among small business owners. Answers range from, “business is great,” “people need what we have” to, “we’re hanging in there,” “we’re surviving,” business is slow” to “if it doesn’t pick up soon, I don’t know what we’ll do.” Bankruptcy rates are starting to climb.
In order to survive in today’s world, you have to think outside the box and expand your vision. In other words, think of what other services and products you can offer to your customer base that they need even if it’s not part of your normal product or service offering. One of my suppliers of toner and printer parts is now selling PPE supplies to their customer base.
Remember that your best prospects are your current and past clients and customers.
In order to use this method to boost your income, you need to have some information about your clients and customers, such as their name and contact information. Contact information can and should include email address, phone number and maybe physical address.
During down time have your employees dig through your records and recover customer information. If you are missing information such as an email address but have their phone numbers, then have an employee call and get that information. You will have to offer them something for their address, maybe a free report that they can use, being entered into a drawing for a dollar amount of free products or services, or send them high-value coupons.
This is just one of many strategies that you can use to boost sales and income in this time of continuing uncertainty. Let’s talk. If you would like another strategy, just email or call me!
Till next time.