October 22, 2024

Not The Right Way

Good Morning

It seems that every fall, my business picks up. People come back from vacations and realize that they need to get the word out about their business and they need to do it quickly. “How soon can you get my post card out?” is the call I get a lot. So I rearrange my schedule to fit them in, and when I tell them, I get, “I’ll get back to you; we’re still working on….” Then later, I get the call: “We finally got it all together and now we are running x days behind, so can you get it done even faster?” I try again to rearrange the schedule to fit. Although most other companies will add a rush charge, I don’t. I’ll work late into the evening and all weekend to help out my clients.

This is a NOT the right way to do it!

Because when people are rushed, mistakes will happen, machines will break down, people get sick, stuff happens. When I plan out a timeline, I add in time for things to go wrong. When I’m rushed, everything has to be correct the first time and all the moving parts have to be in perfect sync, which in real life does not happen that often.

So what I’m trying to say is, do a bit of planning and don’t rush, take your time. Because even though I would like to help you out, I cannot create more hours in a day.


  1. I agree with you. Things should not be rushed. Take time to do things. And make things more organized. Time management is really a must.

  2. I agree! That is not really the right way to do it. And I guess you better learn how to say no to clients who want to rush things. Rushing things will just result to errors.