October 22, 2024


Good Morning

I was talking to someone the other day who requested the FREE marketing event catalogue that I offer at the end of these emails and was wondering why I never sent it to her. I looked at them with a “Huh?” look (you know the look) and told her I never got her email. Well she looked at me and said, “I sent you an email, I hit reply and sent you one.”


 I found out that she had replied to this weekly tip, which is sent by Constant Contact on my behalf, which means if you reply to this email I do not get it.

 I did not know that. So to all the people who requested anything that I have offered over the years (yes, these tips have been going out for over 3 years), please send me an email to TFC@freedcom.com  to let me know what you want and I’ll send it to you.

 If you use Constant Contact to market your business, you might want to include links for people and tell them not to hit reply to send you a message.

 Till next week – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.

 P.S. Call or email for your free copy of Big Idea Event Marketing Catalogue.