October 22, 2024

Start laying out your marketing/advertising/business building strategies for 2015

Good Morning

This will be the last marketing tip for the year. Yes, I know you will be so sad and heartbroken. You will not know how to get along without these great and wonderful tips for the next two weeks.

The tips will be back on January 8, but until then this will have to do.

If your business is one of the ones that slow down this time of year, then the following is good for you, if you’re busy, good; you can do this after it slows down and you get some sleep.

If you haven’t started laying out your marketing/advertising/business building strategies for 2015, now is the time to so do. What are you waiting for, Christmas? (Oh right that’s next week.)

Over the years I have talked to a lot of businesses in January and February that were in need of more customers right then and there. By the time they got their act together, it was March or April and a month or two later before they could actually get results. By then they were in much worse shape.

So are you going to be one of those businesses that put off planning for 2015 until after the holidays? Why don’t you take a day or two now and get your planning done? This way you’ll get a jump on your competition. And wouldn’t that be a nice way to start off 2015?

If you need help, give me a call NOW at 817-282-0443, because I will be on vacation from December 26th – January 4th (the office will be open).

Till Next Year –

Remember – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!

Philip Freedman

Doctor of Customer Retention

PS. Starting in January, I will be taking on private consulting clients. These clients, in addition to enhanced services, will also have special access to me.