March 24, 2025

More About Your Competition

Good Morning

Last week I wrote about your competition. Specifically YOU! You and your mindset can stand in your way of being successful.

This week I want to write about two more types of competition.

Direct – Direct competitors are businesses that sell or offer exactly what you sell or offer. They are in the same market as you and use the same advertising and marketing methods. They can cause you problems when they undercut you and/or outspend you on getting their message out. They can even be copy cat businesses or large businesses that enter your field (think Amazon).

The quick answer to dealing with this type of competition is not to be exactly like them. I am not like every other direct mail company and as a Marketing Coach/Consultant I am very different from any competition on both my background and my offerings. What about you?

Indirect – This is everyone and everything else. This is anything that takes the attention of your customers away from you and your business that’s not your direct competitor. Things like their family, sleeping, eating, time wasted on their phones (social media, emails, calls, games), commuting, other people. Basically life in general!

One of the biggest challenges that you have is to really stand out from your indirect competition.

If you need some help or have questions, just contact me at ..

Until next time!


P.S. If you have enjoyed these marketing tips, you can leave me a review at this link.


If you have a business that is two years or older and would like help keeping your current customers active and away from your competition or would like to make your past customers current again, then contact me by clicking here or call me at 817-616-5155.
