July 27, 2024

More About Your Competition

Good Morning Last week I wrote about your competition. Specifically YOU! You and your mindset can stand in your way of being successful. This week I want to write about two more types of competition. Direct - Direct competitors are businesses that sell or offer exactly what you sell or … [Read more...]

You and Your Competition

Good Morning We all want more customers and that our competition would disappear. Even if we do say that competition makes our businesses better. Well you can get rid of what I consider your number one competitor, YOU! What do I mean? You with your mindset, your behavior and what you do … [Read more...]

A Calculated Risk

Good Morning Wednesday I went to my leads group (by the way if you want a FREE lunch, be my guest and I'll pay for your lunch; contact me for information) and we were talking about many things. One was why become a member of such a group? As one member stated, we meet once a week and as we … [Read more...]

Plan B or C

Good Morning Did you ever have one of those days, everything going right and then, Bam! It's all messed up! Well that's what happened to me yesterday. I was printing a client's newsletter. I had about 60 more to print when streaks started to appear on the newsletters. I sent a photo of the … [Read more...]

Getting Your Name Wrong

Good Morning We all like to be acknowledged, usually by being called by our name. So when people can't get your name right, are you really going to pay any attention to their message? My friend Larry, got an email (which he sent me) that started "Hi Lar." I've known Larry for over 20 years … [Read more...]

Goals Are Your Roadmap

Good Morning {First Name} While in traffic at a red light, I watched a car in one lane suddenly switch to the turn lane. It was like they just realized that they were in the wrong lane and heading in the wrong direction. The other one I see a lot is cars that are in the turn lane when the driver … [Read more...]