July 27, 2024

You and Your Competition

Good Morning We all want more customers and that our competition would disappear. Even if we do say that competition makes our businesses better. Well you can get rid of what I consider your number one competitor, YOU! What do I mean? You with your mindset, your behavior and what you do … [Read more...]

Keep Your Customers

Good Morning Yesterday I got done a bit early so I decided to finish weeding my vegetable garden. It was overgrown with grass and weeds from being untended all winter long. I needed to finish pulling all the weeds and grass out before it started raining this weekend. Sunday afternoon the weather … [Read more...]

Hyper-Interested Customers

Good Day Contact First Name  Hyper-interested customers are customers who, as the name implies, are very interested in anything and everything you have to offer and in most cases will also buy almost everything you have to offer. In other words, your very very best customers. These are the … [Read more...]

Emails Deleted, Missed Sales!

Good Day  Last week I was at my multi-day mastermind meeting, and it was great. If you really want to get ahead, you need to have a coach and be part of one or more mastermind groups. I purchased a new laptop with Windows 10 (currently using a computer running XP). I've moved some programs … [Read more...]

Remembering Great Ideas

Good Day Contact First Name  Last week while at the multi-chamber mixer I saw a gentleman I had met a few times, Reed Chambers of Peerless Electric Company. As we were talking we got on the subject of coming up with great ideas and trying to remember them. This happens to me. I'll be driving … [Read more...]

1st Quarter Results

Good Day Guess what. This week my wife got the same letter from the auto dealer. We are now up to 6 of the same letter. Today starts the last month of the 1st quarter of 2018. Now is the time to plan out how you are going to bring in business for the next quarter. It's also the time to look … [Read more...]