October 22, 2024

Always Be Looking For Business Opportunities

Good Morning
Half the lights in my house have been going on and off. We called the electric company to check the lines and meters. They found nothing wrong, but they narrowed the problem to either the meter box or the breaker box (so, my problem). I called out an electrician that I got through one of the chambers I am a member of. I had won his company’s gift certificate at a chamber auction.
Both the owner and one of his electricians came out and found that my main breaker needs to be replaced. The breaker is 30-40 years old, and that type is no longer made. To find a good used one would cost almost the same as putting in a new box with new breakers.
Most of the houses (maybe 25-50 homes) in my little subdivision were all built around the same time. I know that my neighbor has said that his lights have flickered.
Quick quiz: How many opportunities to gain business were presented? If you send me your best guess with an explanation of how you reached that number, you will be eligible to win a gift.
Need more customers? Then just give me a call at 817-282-0443 or email me at Phil@TheFreedmanCompany.com and we can get together.
Till next week

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!

Philip Freedman

Doctor of Customer Retention

P.S. Reach the right customers with 3 full-color jumbo postcards mailed within 45 days, including list, printing and postage. For low Quick Action Takers pricing, call 817-282-0443 or reply to this email for details.