October 22, 2024

Marketing and Scouts?

Good Day,
The other day I was at my local post office and started watching a man with a package. He picked up a mailing label and realized he could not address it, he lacked a pen and there were none on the counter. I let him use one of mine. The man next to him had just picked up a passport application and was looking around for a pen as well.
It got me thinking about being prepared. I start each day with 2 pens and most days I end the day with 2 pens.
I was a scout, my children were in the scouts and my wife worked for them for 25 years. One of the many things I learned was the scout motto: Always be prepared. So what does the scouts have to do with you and your business success?
There are a lot of business owners who basically just wing it. They take each day as it comes with very little or no planning. They are not prepared. The best example of this is what happens around January 15th of each year. That’s the time people realize that customers are not buying, the bills are coming due and there is no plan.
Be a good scout, be prepared, have a plan.
If you need guidance, I still have a few slots open with my Quick Start to Kick Start Your Business Growth in 2017. 
When you complete this program you will have identified your most profitable customers, know where they are, how to reach them and have the message that suits them.
“Phil’s Quick Start to Kick Start Your Business Growth program has really helped grow my business. Before meeting with Phil, I realized I was spending way too much time and money taking the ‘throwing the seeds everywhere to see what takes root’ approach instead of defining exactly who my target market was. Phil took me through his program to identify my target market so I now spend my marketing dollars in a more efficient manner and see much better results. Every business owner needs to know who his or her market really is and Phil can help identify it quickly and easily. Thanks, Phil.”
Sandy de Lara, Tutor Doctor
Be prepared; start your 2017 planning now! Reply to this email NOW to get started! You can even put it on your credit card! So Act Now!
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Philip Freedman
Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
P.S. Discover the 7 Warning Signs of LCS, Go to www.7SignsOfLCS.com & Get a FREE LCS Diagnosis and Consultation