October 22, 2024

Denny Hatch Great Story

Good Day
The following story is from the marketing blog of Denny Hatch, renowned publisher,marketing expert, and copywriter:
“Frank Brock was president, First Bank of Troy, Idaho. In 1960 Troy’s population was 555. Frank Brock’s bank had 6,000 active accounts.

He had customers in 45 states and around the world as distant as Pago Pago and American Samoa.
Frank Brock knew precisely what business he was in. “I am in the business of providing financial services for my customers-from cradle to grave.”
Brock’s Very Personal Approach
Brock knew virtually all his customers by their first names. His day was spent on the phone with customers, clipping newspapers and dealing with correspondence. Whenever a customer married, died, moved away, gave birth, etc., Brock sent a personal remembrance.
For the rest of the story please go towww.DennyHatch.blogspot.com#6 The World’s Greatest Banker.
But before you finish the story, catch the great marketing lesson here.
This is a great way to build your business, but it takes time. And no, you can’t do it effectively by email, Facebook, PM, or texting.
Personal relationships and recognition is what true marketing is all about for small and some large businesses. Want to learn more? Contact me at Phil@MyMarketingCure.com .
On another subject:  I am think of offering a series of Brown Bag Lunch & Learn on a number of marketing subjects with some nationally known experts on the subject at my office. Seating will be limited to 6-10 people. I am interested in what subjects you would like covered. Send your suggestions to me at: Phil@MyMarketingCure.com 
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Dr. Philip Freedman C.A.R.E.

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
P.S. NOW, Discover the 7 Warning Signs of Lost Customer Syndrome,  Go to   
www.7SignsOfLCS.com & Get a FREE report and Consultation!