October 22, 2024

Does It = $$$??

Good Morning 

I was out and about the other day and saw a sign that read, “Please Like Us on Facebook.” I know you have seen them as well. I’ve always wondered, “Why should I like you? What’s in it for me?” 
A friend who has a client that uses Facebook a lot to promote says that it’s a great way to keep up with what the business is doing and any specials they are offering. I might be interested in specials that save me money, but do I really need to be alerted that they posted 3-4 times a day?
What if I’m a loyal customer who spends big bucks with the company and I did not like them on Facebook? I’m going to lose out on the specials? Why do I have to do the work?
My friend sends out an email to his client and prospect base promoting his product line. I’m not sure if he segregates his list (if you want to know more about list segregation, let me know), but he tells me he’s starting to get inquiries.  A number of restaurants send me weekly or twice weekly emails with their specials, and a few times I’ve taken them up on their offer.
I know that the restaurants offered me free things to get my email address. 
Two final questions: if you ask people to like you or give you their contact information, what are you willing to give them in exchange (hint: something of value to them)? Also what are you going to do to convert that like, email address or postal address into a paying customer that buys again and again? Remember likes, posts, views, shares or eyeballs do not pay your bills unless you convert them into $$$.
Remember to stop by my booth at the H.E.B. Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, June 4, 2:30 -6:30, at the Hurst Conference Center. I’ll have some prizes to give away plus other items.
Till next time, 

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement

P.S. Get your Lost/Past/Old Customers back and keep them from going to your competition. Click Here , Email me or call 817-282-0443.