October 22, 2024

Here Is How To Keep Your Business Healthy

Good Day
Here are my 3 levels of monthly service: My Monthly Vitamin Pack, My Marketing Medicine Cabinet and the top level, My Total Marketing Wellness Plan with Concierge Service. But I wanted to let you know that I finally got my old phone number 817-282-0443 forwarded to my new number of 817-616-5155. Both numbers now work.
Now here are 3 levels of monthly service you can have to keep your business healthy:
My Monthly Vitamin Pack – This includes
Printed marketing newsletter that you can keep and use for reference. ($30 value)
CD of Interviews with leading experts in different areas to help you and your business ($100 value)
Monthly live teleconference Q&A sessions where you can get your marketing and advertising questions answered. Download of past Q&A will be available. ($50 value)
Total value of My Monthly Vitamin Pack $2160 annually
My Marketing Medicine Cabinet – This includes
 My Monthly Vitamin Pack ($2160 value)
Quick Start to Kick Start Your Business Growth. 3 one-on-one weekly meetings to define your target marketing and what makes you different in the minds of your customers.  ($450 value)
Development of your marketing plan with budget based on your completed Quick Start to Kick Start Your Business Growth plan of action. ($500 value)
Updating your in-house customer list. If need be, we will help you develop and show you how to maintain your own customer list. ($450.00 value)
Prospect list of up to 500 names yearly. This will be in addition to your past and current customer database that will give you the jump you need to move ahead of the pack. The list will be based on your completed Quick Start to Kick Start Your Business Growth plan of action. ($125 value)
Printing and mailing (postage included) of up to 500 5 ½ x 8 ½ full color post cards, 4 times a year. Teamed up with your lists of past, current and future customers, these jumbo post cards are a great way to stay in touch and it’s all done for you.  Having done-for-you cards will prevent you from failing just like most other business do. For them it’s just too overwhelming: What to say? how to design it? where to get it printed? how to address all the cards? You get the idea. Having it done for you takes all the pressure off you, the business owner. ($305.00 x 4 = $1220.00 value)
Monthly swipe file of marketing ideas. You can use any of them for your business – (unlimited value).
Plus a one-on-one monthly marketing evaluation and checkup meeting to help you stay on track with marketing your business ($3000 value).
6 – 15 minute emergency  911 calls per year (priceless).
10% discount on all other products and service
Total value of My Marketing Medicine Cabinet $7,905 annually
My Total Marketing Wellness Plan with Concierge Service includes
My Monthly Vitamin Pack and
My Marketing Medicine Cabinet ($7905 value)
One extra one-on-one monthly marketing evaluation and checkup meeting to help you stay on track with marketing your business (value $3000).
Implement of your marketing plan ($2500 value).
Design and develop your marketing materials ($1000 value).
Specialized marketing implementation training of your staff ($7500 value).
Development of Monthly Top of Mind post card that you can send to your customers/prospects ($720 value).
Special telephone number for quick question phone consultation (during normal business hours) (priceless).
Special quarterly (4 times a year) in person mastermind meeting with fellow Total Marketing Wellness members ($2000 value).
8 special conference calls per year with your fellow Total Marketing Wellness members ($1200 value).
Special monthly social media done for you package ($2400 value).
20% discount on all other products and service
Total value of My Total Marketing Wellness Plan with Concierge Service $28,225 annually
Very limited My Total Marketing Wellness Plan with Concierge Service slots will be available.
If you are interested in any of the levels of monthly service to keep your business healthy, please call me at 817-616-5155 or reply to this email.
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Philip Freedman
Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement