October 22, 2024

Increase Email Open Rates

Good Morning ,
ALL CAPS From Addresses Give You a 19% Higher Open Rate
New test idea from the Worldata Research team! When creating your email campaign, use all caps for your ‘From’ address. When this approach is used it results in 19% higher open rates. Why does this work? You want your email to stand out from the rest. When prospects are scrolling through their inbox, this tactic draws attention to your email. 
‘Invitation’ Emails Are Surging in Performance – Lifting Open Rates by 25% for B2C, 19% B2B 
“Invitation” emails are surging in performance and are lifting open rates for both B2B and B2C. Why? Everyone wants to feel special and receive the VIP treatment. When prospects scroll through their inbox and see that they’re being invited to participate in something, there is a sense of exclusivity that is created. This causes excitement from the reader and results in increased open rates. 
Emails that convey URGENCY in the SUBJECT LINE have a 47% higher ‘Open Rate’ for B2B, 41% for B2C.
Worldata Research’s latest findings were geared towards email offers that convey a sense of urgency in the subject line. With the amount of email that readers receive in their inboxes daily, there needs to be something that stands out and catches their eye. Examples: ‘Sale Ends Today’ and ‘Last Chance to Register.’ Including a sense of urgency will increase open rates and lead to greater overall results. 
Bookend Emoji’s, Increase Open Rate by 31%
Research recently found that brands using emoji’s in their subject lines have increased open rates when including them at the beginning and end of the subject line. When scrolling through your inbox you will see that emoji’s are everywhere! They are now being used in subject lines more than ever, and their placement matters. This works for both B2B and B2C. As a prospect is viewing their emails, an emoji subject line is going to stand out more than an email without. Just make sure to always test your offer before sending.
Till next time.