October 22, 2024

Let Me Share What I Learned!

I just came back from my 2-day Mastermind meeting, and one thing most of these million dollar producing business coaches and owners do is mail out a monthly newsletter. In fact I am helping nationally known speaker and author Jase Sounder (www.JaseSounder.com) design and produce his own monthly newsletter.

They all spoke of how their members and clients like and read their newsletters and look forward to reading it. One coach finds his newsletter sitting around the offices of his members. It was said that it’s one of the best ways to get your message across to your clients and prospects and not having it viewed as advertisement but rather educational, informational and informative. In fact, one of the participants told the group that his members and clients even put them into 3-hole binders and save them.

What I also learned is that to get the full benefits of this form of marketing, it has to be a printed newsletter mailed monthly. It takes at least 6 months to almost a year before you see any benefits, but once you do, it multiplies rapidly. You can do an email version, but the main newsletter is printed. It gets read more and is viewed as a publication and something to be held on to.

I also learned that even though I help others with their newsletter, I have to make the time to start producing and mailing out my own newsletter full of ways to market your business, and I have to do it monthly.


What about you?

Remember – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!


The Freedman Co.


P.S. I go and spend time with very successful business owners to learn how they do it so I can do it and also help you do it.