October 22, 2024

My Mastermind Groups

Good Day
I just got done with my two-day mastermind meeting. Phew! I got a list of great books I need to purchase and read. By the way, do you know that most CEOs read 5-6 books a year, while most people read only 1-2 per year. I got pages of notes, including web sites to look at and online software to try out.
People ask me why I participate, spending 2 days away from the business. I tell them that my mastermind groups help me think about the business, how to grow it, run it, and services and products to offer. I use it as a sounding board in a confidential and safe setting. I can say things there that I can’t say anywhere else and get honest and experienced feedback that will help me and my business grow. I get feedback I might not want to hear but do need to hear!
I’ve also developed great friendship and relationships with many of my fellow mastermind members over the many years. These very successful people play at a very high level. I have learned a lot from them, and they have become great resources.
So now I will go through my notes and start to make changes to my business that will take it to the next level. More about that in a little bit.
What are you doing to get honest feedback and help with your business? Think about joining a mastermind group.
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Dr. Philip Freedman C.A.R.E.

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
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