October 22, 2024

Sales Funnels

Good Day
We all have marketing/sales funnels. For some it might be Facebook posts informing readers about their products or services (think restaurants posting the day’s specials), cold calls with a simple sale flyer or leave behind, maybe with a call to action but in most cases no call to action to the multi-step with tripwire sales funnels with up sales and down sales.
With whatever funnel you are using, you want to make sure that once people enter it, you direct the flow or path they take. You don’t want prospects dropping out of their own accord (until they are no longer viable customers). You also want to keep them in your funnel until they turn into customers or signal that they are still interested and might become a customer.
You need to plug any leaks that you have, build more steps, develop stronger calls to action, and give your prospects more and easier chances to buy in your sales funnel to increase your sales.
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Dr. Philip Freedman C.A.R.E.

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
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