March 9, 2025

Spending Money

Good Morning  I've been at 3 Days of Secrets Revealed marketing boot camp, which runs 4 days. I've been going to this event for just over ten years. Some of my friends wounder what I can learn after 10 years, especially a marketing boot camp for home inspectors! Answer: a lot!My friend Dr. … [Read more...]

Goal Setting, Still Time

Good Day To everyone who sent me their numbers, Thank You. I'm putting the finishing touches on the email marketing calendar and should be sending it to you by next week if not sooner. You can still get your FREE 2016 Email Marketing Calendar, which shows the best days to send out your email. … [Read more...]

Where is your ship?

A few days ago I was reading a fax I get every week (Yes, I said FAX!) on marketing and other subjects. Part of the fax talked about excuses people use for not achieving their goals.  I think the  number 1 excuse is that most people have no goals. But that's another subject for another time. The … [Read more...]